Beautiful Blessing


Last night Kelly and I attended a Mother-Daughter Dinner at Our Lady of Grace in Muskegon that my sister Judy was involved in. Judy invited my sisters and I to attend this dinner so Joan, Vikke, Mary, Janet, my friend/sister Colleen, Kelly and I all joined Judy for a lovely dinner in the parish hall.

After dinner everyone was invited into the church to enjoy a concert. We all sang with the performers and enjoyed their amazing talent. The evening was about to come to a close when one of the performers, Greg Russick, started talking about healing and how important it is for us to feel God’s love and healing powers. He asked the audience if we would be comfortable raising our hands over someone that needed God’s love and healing. Someone in the audience spoke up and said “yes, let’s do it”. Greg then announced my name and asked me to come up to the front of the church for this special blessing. I was in shock hearing my name called. I stood up to walk to the front of church and my knees were stiff which almost prevented me from walking. Greg then asked me to sit in the pew and invited all of the woman to gather around me and pray for me. I saw my sister Joan and Judy and grabbed them to be by my side. My friend Jan held my right hand and my sister Judy held my left. Joan was by my side while everyone prayed for me. The prayers were so beautiful and people were crying around me but I felt strong and in AWE of God’s Love. I was surrounded by so much love, it was unbelievable.

I think the reason I was so shocked is because we are all dealing with difficulties in our lives. Just because I am dealing with a dreadful disease doesn’t make my burden any greater than others. I was humbled to be chosen out of that crowd of 75 people to be prayed for.

I am one lucky girl.

3 thoughts on “Beautiful Blessing

  1. This story made me bawl. The power of God is amazing. We are so proud of you and your awesome personal strength. We love that you are not allowing this awful disease define WHO YOU ARE. Continue to feel God's arms around you.

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